“Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind and the healing of the soul! “

Facilitators for workshops and trainings include NewView Institute’s CEO, Dr. Helena Fontes who is a Board Certified Chaplain, with a doctorate in ministry, and is certified as an Anger Management and Domestic Violence specialist/ advocate& trainer, with additional specialties as a Hospice/Palliative Care/Mental Health clinician.
Diane Banks Harris is a former deputy sheriff, and is qualified to run domestic violence, and PTSD support groups.
Marie Weaver, LSW, specializes in working with trauma in youth. Rodger Cobb is a Master’s Degree professional who has experience working with substance abusers,
All staff are trained by Dr. Fontes in ethics, and best practices for a holistic approach to emotional care, and empathetic listening for individuals in crisis and experiencing distress due to grief associated with sudden and unexpected loss.