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“Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind and the healing of the soul! “


To promote awareness regarding the dynamics, associated with domestic and intimate partner violence. In order to prevent harm and promote healing for youth and adults, both in and outside of the criminal justice system, we provide trauma and grief, counseling, coupled with spiritual and emotional support.


                 ewView Institute’s objective is a four tier

                 approach towards the promotion of healing for a community where marginalized, disenfranchised adults and youth reside.  The mission of the organization, and our first tier approach, is to provide youth and adults with education, training and support in anger management and conflict resolution in order to prevent crime, abuse and violence both within and outside of the criminal justice system. Our second tier approach is intervention for returning citizens and or individuals who have been court mandated to attend anger management and or domestic violence training.  The third tier approach is our Chaplaincy services, so that the process of healing can begin through holistic emotional support. Our fourth tier approach is to provide education for faith-based and civic organizations in order that they would also be able to provide services and support to Victims/survivors of the


domestic violence, and other such violent crimes.


Trainings are conducted in women's prisons, churches, and Northwest Victims of Crime and North Central Crime Victim’s facilities.  Future programs are planned for Philadelphia Coalition for Victim Advocacy, Coalition against Youth Gun Violence centers, Mothers in Charge, She's My Sister, Human Trafficking Safe House in Kensington and NewView's Institute local office, once acquired; patient's homes, veterans centers, juvenile justice centers, and the Criminal Justice Center, schools, hospitals, rehab centers, detox units, and other such institutions.


Clients are typically offendersand/or victim/survivors of domestic violence and their

offspring as well as students in thepublic school, charter and private school systems who are having difficulty processing their anger. We also serve Veterans, juveniles, at risk-youth who are in placement, returning citizens, persons who have been court mandated to take anger management and/or domestic violence training.  


In addition, we  provide services to victims of violent crimes who need crisis counseling, those having Post-Traumatic Stress disorders (PTSD), those needing grief and bereavement support, and End of Life care to Hospice and Palliative care patients.


Usually, people  are referred to us by judges, probation and parole, case managers, ICM, Faith leaders, hospital discharge planners, home care agencies, civic leaders, city council officials, advocacy groups, educators, Department of Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and other community organizations, as well as community mental health centers, and referrals from the private sector.




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